The International Village Shop is a growing trans-local network of cultural producers who set up trading places for goods with strong local connections.
Toge Honesty Stall - Echigo Tsumari, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
dates Datum datums fechas
16/07/2006 → ongoing fortlaufend lopend en proceso
address Adresse adres dirección
The Honesty Stall was part of the Grizedale Seven Samurai project, developed from an invitation to contribute to the 2006 Echigo-Tsumari Triennale, and an invitation from the remote mountain village of Toge to help them with the influx of Triennale tourists visiting their rice farming community.
The title and curatorial premise of the project derived from the seminal film by Japanese director Kurosawa. The project attempted to assist the village and to help generate a sense of self-determination now scarce in the aging community of Toge. The artists lived and worked in the village for a month before taking part in an art festival in Tokyo. The villagers joined the artists there as performers and in the presentation of a village market dedicated to their artist -rebranded rice.
A Honesty Stall, offering and featuring produce that has been developed and repackaged in cooperation between the villagers and the Grizedale Residency artists.
forms of exchange Formen des Austauschs uitwisselings vorm formas de intercambio
Cash - Pay what you think it's worth
host Gastgeber host anfitrión
Toge Village
format format formaat formato
A custom made, wardrobe like stall
participants TeilnehmerInnen deelnemers participantes
- Grizedale Arts - IVS Partner
- somewhere - IVS Partner
- Juneau Projects - Shopkeeper
- Residents of Toge - Shopkeeper