The International Village Shop is a growing trans-local network of cultural producers who set up trading places for goods with strong local connections.
Meshdunarodnij Selskij Magasin Международный сельский магазин / Bogorodskoe Meshdunarodnij Selskij Magasin Естественный обмен. Международный сельский магазин
dates Datum datums fechas
18/09/2015 – 25/10/2015
NATURAL EXCHANGE: AN INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE SHOP exhibition opens in Bogorodskoye gallery (Moscow City Gallery Network) as a part of the parallel track of the 6th Biennale of Contemporary Art. WapkeFeenstra (Netherlands) and Antje Schiffers (Germany), the artists behind the well-known international project Myvillages, have spent the last two years working in asmall village of Zvizzchi in Kaluga region, close to the site of Arkhstoyanie festival.The installation showcases the recent discovery of villagers, a clay deposit convertedby experts and artists into a source of new local products. Zvizzchi now makes flat plates and containers for preserves, pickled vegetables and herbal medicines. Made in Zvizzchi produce will be presented in a store next to the products of otherMyvillages initiatives. The international village shop carries both Russian products and joint creations of artists and rural communities from Ghana and Germany, Holland andIreland, Spain and Switzerland.